Binatang yg terbesar di dunia- Paus Biru
Size comparison between blue whales with other species.
Perbandingan size paus biru dengan spesis paus lain.
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whale size and human |
(i took share this fact from other web)-thank you for the knowledge
Fascinating Facts regarding Blue whale
- 100 people could fit into the mouth of a blue whale. Mulut seekor paus dewasa, boleh memuatkan 100 orang dalam 1 masa.
- Weight of a blue whale’s tongue is equal to a fully grown adult elephant. Berat Lidah seekor paus biru bersamaan dengan berat seeekor gajah dewasa.
- A blue whale heart is the size of a Mini Cooper and can weigh close to 2,000 pounds (~907 kg). and a human can easily crawl through its major artery. Jantung paus biru sebesar kereta Mini Cooper dengan berat mencecah 907 kg dan manusia boleh merangkak dalam salur arteri paus biru.
- Blue whales can produce sounds louder than a jet engine (188 dB vs. jet engine's 140 dBPaus biru boleh menghasilkan bunyi lebih kuat dari enjin jet,
- Blue whales can produce sounds louder than a jet engine (188 dB vs. jet engine's 140 dB) Paus biru boleh menghasilkan bunyi lebih kuat dari enjin jet,
- A single adult eats about 4-8 tons of krill (tiny shrimplike animals) a day. Seekor paus dewasa mampu makan 4-8 tons Krill (sejenis udang kecil ) sehari.
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Tahukah anda ?
The length of blue whale equal to 3 nos school bus
Panjang seekor paus biru bersamaan dengan 3 buah bas sekolah yg panjang
The weight of blue whale equal to 8 nos of aeroplane
Berat seekor paus biru bersamaan dengan berat 8 buah kapal terbang
The weight of blue whale equal to 2667 humans
Berat seekor paus biru bersamaan dengan berat 2667 manusia
Pengajaran dari post ini.
critical thinking....
"Cuba bayangkan .........Allah ciptakan makhluk yang terbesar didunia ini ikan paus, dan ikan paus (binatang yang terbesar didunia) hanya memakan plankton (makhluk yang teramat kecil)....cuba bayangkan kalau binatang terbesar didunia ialah pemakan daging....mesti pupus segala hidupan laut sekiranya paus ini memburu......segala penciptaan Allah ada hikmahnya."
"The world largest animals (Blue whale) ate Plankton (smaller animal) as its foods, can you imagine ...if the world largest animal (Blue whale) is created as a carnivore (meat eater), if is it, you can see how fast the sea-life extinct , and i beg under the sea will be the dangerous place in the world back to reality the blue whale ate plankton .......Allah knows what is the best for His creation and for all creature in the world.
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