Sunday, 23 June 2013

<Kisah Petani dengan Binatang Ternakan>

Pada masa dahulu, dikawasan terpencil, tinggal seorang petani bersama keluarga dan binatang ternakannya iaitu ayam, kerbau, dan seekor anjing.

Setiap pagi ayamnya berkokok untuk membangunkan mereka untuk bersolat subuh,

Kerbau nya sentiasa membantu petani mencari rezeki dengan membawa hasil tanaman untuk di jual.

Anjing nya yang setia , sentiasa menolong petani menjaga keselamatan rumahnya dan haiwan ternakan nya yang lain.

Pada suatu hari, ayam yang yang sentiasa berkokok membangun kan mereka pada waktu pagi telah mati dimakan musang. Petani redha dengan kematian ayamnya dan bersangka baik kepada Allah. “Ada hikmah di sebaliknya”….

Pada keesokkan harinya, kerbau kesayangannya dan binatang ternakan nya yang lain mati dibaham serigala dalam satu malam. Petani tetap bersabar dan bersangka baik kepada Allah…“Ada hikmah di sebaliknya”….

Pada hari seterusnya ,anjing kesayangannya pula mati akibat sakit dan semua tanaman mati. Tiba-tiba anak petani itu berkata kepada ayahnya…”Ayah , kenapa Allah ambil semua binatang ternakan kita ,tanaman kita dan binatang yang kita sayangi sekelip mata? Allah tak sayangkan kita kah?” …..Jawab ayahnya dengan dengan tenang “Wahai anakku, bersangka baiklah kepada Allah, segala apa yang terjadi ada hikmah di sebaliknya”.

Selang beberapa hari itu, kampung tempat petani tersebut tinggal, telah diserang oleh sekumpulan perompak yang ganas dan kejam, mereka merampas segala harta benda penduduk dan membunuh semua penghuni kampung. 

Perompak-perompak itu menggeladah setiap rumah dan sekarang mereka tiba di rumah petani tersebut. Petani dan keluarganya sedang bersembunyi di dalam rumah mereka. 

Tatkala perompak itu memasuki halaman rumah petani tersebut perompak tu berkata “Rumah ini mesti sudah lama tidak berpenghuni, lihatlah tiada satu binatang ternakan pun di sini, pasti tiada orang tinggal di sini”

Perompak-perompak itu pun meninggalkan rumah itu,tanpa mengapa-apa rumah petani itu…..dalam peristiwa malam itu seluruh penghuni kampung itu dibunuh dan hanya petani dan keluarganya terselamat.

Petani itu sambil mengalirkan airmata dan bersujud syukur kepada Allah. “Ya Allah segalanya yang Engkau timpakan untukku, sesungguhnya terdapat hikmah besar di sebaliknya. Terima Kasih kerana melindung keluarga ku”.

Iktibar dari cerita ini: “Bersangka baiklah terhadap Allah, setiap dugaan terdapat hikmah besar di sebaliknya, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk hambanya"

* This motivational story i wrote myself upon hearing ceramah motivasi pagi di IKIM fm

I'm Jane- reblog from Maria Elena

*remark: I didn't write this story, just shared from someone else.

I'm Jane,.........
and i am a chinese muslim.

i just reverted last year, it was a beautiful experience and it has become a challenge since.
i found Islam in the most natural way; it was because of Prophet Muhammad SAW. as a former christian, i was told that the Prophet was a pedophile. he married a child, Aishah - and this, i use as my ammo to backfire the muslims who tried to talk me into Islam.

one day, i was just googling about life, inspirations, stuff like that because i was feeling very empty when i stumbled upon a tumblr that has all the inspirational quotes i needed, and they were all quoted by Prophet Muhammad SAW. i bookmarked that page and after a few months, i started to question about him, and thus began my journey towards Islam.

I love Islam, I love Allah and I love Prophet Muhammad SAW.

but still. 30 years of being a chinese cannot vanish overnight, and i don't want it to. i am chinese by ethnicity, it's just that i'm a muslim.

for some reason those malays who got to know that i'm a muallaf, they expect me to become malay. i should speak more malay, wear baju kurung, wear tudung, celebrate Raya malay style, lepak at mamaks like the usual malays do.

it's really annoying.

my colleague once asked me why i don't wear baju kurung at all and when i told her i don't like wearing it, she made a face that spoke a thousand words and i knew, i was judged
it wasn't just her. but her whole gang.
they don't mix with me as friends (not that i minded, they were a group of gossiping makciks) but it made me disappointed. i mean, they have been muslims longer than me, they should know how to treat new muslim friends, heck, how to treat anyone! but that's them, going around with their tudungs blinged up and their baju kurungs clinging to their bodies, judging people, gossiping while working, and always always instagramming! it drives me crazy sometimes because i don't see why they can't prioritise work!

ok that's the chinese in me.
oh well. forget about them.

i wanted to start learning to read the Quran. i thought i could learn via internet, and it was ok at first, i managed to memorise Al-fatihah, Al-Ikhlas, Al-falaq, An-nas and all other doas in a prayer. but i went to a muslim convention a few months back and the Ustaz said that if we don't read the words properly, it will bring different meanings and our prayers may not be accepted, since we read everything wrongly.

i didn't know why i haven't thought of that. even in mandarin we have the same thing. we need to pronounce the letters properly or it will bring different meaning(s).
so i went to a mosque nearby my house. Alhamdulillah they have a mengaji class every thursday night for free!

now, here's my story.

it was about 2 months ago. my mengaji class starts straight after maghrib prayers, breaks for isyak prayers, and continues on till however long we can. i always stop at 10pm. the ustazah didn't seem to mind too coz she said she doesn't have anything better to do when she's back home. =)

so after my class ended that day, i realised an indian guy followed me to my car. at first i thought that he probably just heading the same way but he was there too the next week! i was freaked out then, that halfway i ran towards my car, and drove off in panic. but before the third week, i wanted to give him a piece of my mind.

before class, i remembered to use a different bag and bring only my essentials, like my Quran, my telekung, phone, IC and license. and after class, there he was. the indian guy who follows me to my car!
i have been plucking up my courage for that time, so i spun around and yelled,

i could tell he was shocked coz i saw the whites of his eyes widened and he raised his hands in surrender. he stuttered a bit, then said,
"sorry miss! saya cuma nak make sure you sampai your car dengan selamat! malam malam bahaya tau kat sini! sorry miss!"
walauwei. i was shocked leh. this indian guy wanted to teman me? so i asked, more calmly, "you.. you buat apa sini juga?"

he answered "saya pun baru keluar masjid"
i asked "you muslim?"
suddenly he laughed, and i felt so stupid! what kind of question is that!?
he answered "ye la! takkan bukan kot!"
he sounded so malay despite looking like an indian, i thought. i hesitated for a while to ask my next question.. this guy was still patiently waiting, not making any moves towards me.

i asked "you... indian?"
he smiled softly and said "mamak".

at this point, i was just embarrassed. i just wanted to go home as it was becoming alarmingly awkward.
i just said "ok, assalamualaikum" and ran into my car and drove home.

we became friends shortly after.

oh! a few days ago, we were waiting for our burgers at the burger stall at our housing area. he was drinking a can of laici drink and i was chewing a gum.

we were talking about serious topics, when he asked me how come i don't wear tudung?
i rolled my eyes. "not you too.. look, how come just because i'm the muallaf here, i have to be more islamic than others? how come i have to wear jubah and tudung, whereas there are so many other malay girls who CONFIRM are muslims prancing around holding hands with guys they're not married to, wearing bikinis to the beach, NOT WEARING TUDUNG AND JUBAH (stressed this part), wearing more revealing clothes than i've ever had, even when i was a christian, drinking alcohol, and all that haram stuff? why do i get the pressure and not them? if you're going to quote me Surah An-Nisa ayat 30 to 31, it's ok. i know it off by heart. i want to cover up, but why should i do it just because it's what expected of me? i'll wear tudung when i want to."

he sipped thoughtfully, but he didn't say anything. well, he shouldn't. but i asked him what he thought about it anyway.
"what you said, was more or less what my sister said" he said.

i asked "does she wear tudung now?"
he was silent for a while, sipping his laici little by little. "she would've. if she knew she didn't have more time".

"what do you mean?" i asked.
he sighed, looked at me directly and said "she meninggal dunia (passed away) last year. accident."

i just starred at him with my mouth hanging slightly opened. we changed topic immediately after a few seconds. when we got our burgers, we both left, and i just couldn't get our conversation out of my mind. that night i cried and repented about how arrogant i've been to Allah SWT.

He has blessed me with life, Islam, opportunities, and many more, but just because i don't want to satisfy people's expectations of me being a revert, i have turned away from His commands. i was waiting to see other people change into my expectations - that's the truth.

but life is given by Him, and He can take it anytime, anywhere.. i've read the Quran's translations and even though i didn't memorise enough, i know that if we were given a knowledge, we should act upon it because if we ignore it, it will make us among the hypocrites. nauzubillah..

i cried to sleep too that night.
now, i am wearing tudung. i don't wear the fancy kinds like my colleagues do, i just wear the express type because it's easy to wear. i'm trying to get used to wearing long sleeves and socks. it's not as easy as i hoped.. i have too many short sleeved tops and my cardigans are too thick! and socks with sandals is too weird. but it's the right thing to do! i have to suck it up, go through it day by day, and in sha Allah it'll be a breeze.

as for him, i don't know. there's something about my mamak friend that makes me become a better person.
maybe Allah SWT is setting us up?

hahahaha! maybe!
............... amiiiin! hehe!

My Mother only had one eye

*remark: I didn't write this story, just shared from someone else.

My Mother Only had one eye. I hated her… She was such an embarrassment. She cooked for students and teachers to support the family. There was this one day during elementary school where my mom came to Support me.I was so embarrassed.

How could she do this to me? I ignored her, threw her a hateful look and ran out. The next day at school one of my classmates said, ‘EEEE, your mom only has one eye!’ I wanted to bury myself. I also wanted my mom to just disappear. I confronted her that day and said, ‘ If you’re only gonna make me a laughing stock, why don’t you just die?’

My mom did not respond… I didn’t even stop to think for a second about what I had said, because I was full of anger. I was oblivious to her feelings.I wanted out of that house, and have nothing to do with her. So I studied real hard, got a chance to go abroad to study.

Then, I got married. I bought a house of my own. I had kids of my own. I was happy with my life, my kids and the comforts. Then one day, my Mother came to visit me. She hadn’t seen me in years and she didn’t even meet her grandchildren.

When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her, and I yelled at her for coming over uninvited. I screamed at her, ‘How dare you come to my house and scare my children!’ GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!’

And to this, my mother quietly answered, ‘Oh, I’m so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address,’ and she disappeared out of sight. One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went to the old shack just out of curiosity.

My neighbors said that she died. I did not shed a single tear. They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have.

‘My dearest son,

I think of you all the time. I’m sorry that I came to your house and scared your children.I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you. I’m sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were growing up.

You see……..when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching you having to grow up with one eye. So I gave you mine.

I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye.With all my love to you, Your mother. 

Who used to feed you and always be with you, and when you were sick stay up all  night, holding you mother

Moral : Parents Always Give Secrifices For Their Children But Unfortunately They Can,t Understand

Thank Allah for giving us wonderful parents. We would never know, if we can still seek for their forgiveness tomorrow. Show our affection to them, even if it’s just a simple phone call once in a while. Most importantly, let’s pray that Allah will watch over them at all times. Practice this du’a and may Allah reunite us with our parents in Jannah.

Don't forget everyday du'a after prayer:
Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa-dosaku serta kedua ibu bapaku dan kasihanilah mereka keduanya sebagaimana mereka memelihara dan mendidikku di masa kecil .
O Lord, forgive me and my parents. O Lord, show mercy on them as they have nourished me when I was young.
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