Where is exactly Noah's Ark location ?
This morning, i read my lovely Quran ...and when i read the translation i saw this Quran's word that really attract my attention
Surah Hud Ayat 44 yang bermaksud : "Dan difirmankan, "Wahai bumi! Telanlah airmu dan wahai langit (hujan) berhentilah ." Dan air pun disurutkan, dan perintah pun diselesaikan, dan kapal itu pun berlabuh di atas gunung Judi. dan dikatakan, binasalah orang-orang zalim
*Gunung Judi terletak di Armenia sebelah selatan, berbatasan dengan Mesopotamia.
Quran : Hud : 44 : And it was said : O earth, swallow down your water was made to abate and the affair was decided, and the ark rested on the Judi, and it was said : Away with the unjust people.
* Judi Mount located at the south of Armenia
Selepas baca ayat ni tiba-tiba terfikir .....Gunung Judi tu kat mana and tinggi mana? sebab masa banjir dulu Allah tenggelamkan orang-orang yang meng ingkari perintah Allah, so sedalam mana banjir itu sampai sebuah bahtera kena berlabuh dia atas gunung .
After i read this sentence, i started to think...where is exactly this Mount Judi as stated in the Quran ?and how high this Mountain ? I was thinking ...it was a very2 great flood that submerged all Noah's people that disobeyed Allah, how deep is the flood that require a big ship to rest on a mountain....?
and then i started to google in .............and i found this...subhannallah .....
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The archaeologist found that The Ark landed at Mount Judi which is 17 kilometre from Mount Ararat |
mengapa saya asyik tulis perbandingan Gunung Judi dengan Gunung Ararat sebab Quran menyebut bahtera Nabi Nuh berlabuh di Gunung Judi.....tetapi dalam Bible stated bahtera nabi Nuh Berlabuh di Ararat. Saintis Barat berusaha mengcover dengan membuat discovery palsu..konon-kononya bahtera nabi nuh berlabuh di Ararat.....tetapi sekarang telah terbukti lokasi sebenar bahtera Nabi Nuh ialah di Gunung Judi.
the reason why i keep comparing Mount Judi and Mount Ararat is because of the discrepancies between Quran and Bible. I always know Quran is always right. Because it is from Allah the Almighty. The western scientist tried to cover up, they made a false discovery .They stated that the ark's location is at Mount ararat just like stated in Bible.
However the exact location is found!! It is at mount Judi.....subhannallah
Allah said in Quran
وَقِيلَ يَأَرْضُ ابْلَعِى مَآءَكِ وَيَسَمَآءُ أَقْلِعِى وَغِيضَ الْمَآءُ وَقُضِىَ الاٌّمْرُ وَاسْتَوَتْ عَلَى الْجُودِىِّ وَقِيلَ بُعْدًا لِّلْقَوْمِ الظَّـلِمِينَ
"When the word went forth: "O earth! swallow up thy water and O sky! withhold (thy rain)!" and the water abated and the matter was ended. The Ark rested on Mount Judi and the word went forth: "Away with those who do wrong!" (Qur'an 11:44).
and Bible said
(Gen: 8: 4)
"and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat."
Se below...is the comparison..........
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Mount Judi 's Location |
Saintis barat juga berpendapat, bahawa Bahtera Nabi Nuh terkubur didalam glacier (ais) yang terdapat di gunung Ararat.Tetapi saintis yang menolak pandangan ini berkata....ia ialah mustahil untuk manusia dan haiwan untuk hidup dan bertahan di kawasan yang begitu curam dan sejuk sebelum banjir betul2 surut.
Dan bagaimana pula dengan beribu species haiwan dapat turun dengan selamat dari gunung Ararat tanpa ada satu spesis pun yg mati terjatuh dari gunung yang curam.
The misconception of some like Rex Geissler and Hong Kong explorers that Noah’s Ark would presumably be buried inside the permanent glacier on top of Mt Ararat. However Scientist that opposed Noah Ark locate at Ararat also said, it would have been impossible for men and animals to land on this very steep mountain, or to live, sleep, work and feed animals in such a slanted position for almost 10 months until they disembarked! How can giraffes & elephants stand on a slant of at least 20 degrees or more, and in such close quarters?
And how could thousands of rare animals ever get down safely from such a high and dangerous mountain as Ararat #1, without some of the precious species perishing in the descent! Even for humans inhospitable Ararat is very dangerous to climb.
It was interesting research, if you want to know more than do your own research. Find where the exactly where The noah's ark .You will see the truth. I was born Muslim the story of Noah had been told in Quran, This discovery made me felt how Great Allah to me......subhannallah