Sunday, 17 June 2012

Music Video : Pejuang Agama Imam By Imam Muda 2

MV by Imam muda 2 : Pejuang agama

* Note: Pardon me for my english or my translation,this is not an english grammar blog, as long i               
              successfully convey my message, than that is the purpose of my english translation.

Sejak akhir 2 ini kita asyik didedahkan dengan kisah2 umat sesama islam bergaduh sesama sendiri,  gaduh sana, gaduh sini, berontak sana, berontak sini.....tak kurang juga kat Malaysia ni sebab obses dengan parti politik yg berbeza....bertikam lidah sesama muslim....apa yg dapat?

Lagu ni sangat bagus, ia menyedarkan orang yg taksub memecah belah kan umat sesama agama, lebih 2 lagi kite berada di zaman pepecahan, saudara seagama gaduh dan benci sesama sendiri,

Recently we often see and heard that we muslims were fighting each other. We, muslims should united , not fighting each other just because of the differences in thought.

It was a very nice song .This song is about... we as the same religion, we should not hate each other, we should united and stand up for his/her religion. 

Lyric :

Setiap manusia pasti punya,Pemikiran yang saling berbeza
(everyone have their own different point of view)

Tapi janganlah cuba untuk memaksa
Yang Lain jika tidak sekata

(And because of this different in thought, but please don't try to force others to follow your own ideology) 

Usah taksub tafsiran sendiri,
Pandanglah dari sudut yang lain
(Don't too obsessed with your own thought , try to think with other perspective (open your mind))

Mungkin ada benarnya kata mereka
Andainya berfikiran terbuka
Renungkanlah bersama

(Maybe the others was right , try to open your mind and think about it )

habibi janganlah membenci hentikan dari saling menyakiti
Habibi hanya jikalau bersatu
Ummahmu akan lebih maju

(Everyone that i loved, please stop hurting each other)
(Everyone  that i loved, if u united)
you will be the best ummah !!

Temanku bersalamlah selalu
hormati mereka di sekeliling mu
Temanku marilah kita bersama
Menjadi pejuang agama

(My friends , take care of each others and respect people all around you)
(My friends , lets us stand for our islam)

Hindari rase benci sesama sendiri
Jalinkan ikatan antara saudara

(Lets not hate each other)
(Lets tighten our friendship)

Takperlu meniggikan suara
untuk meluah apa yang dirasa
Kerana lantang itu bukannya bermakna katamu menjadi lebih benar
renungkan lah bersama

(No need to be loud to express your own thought)
( Loudness doesn't mean you were right)
(Think about it)

You can be a fighter/warrior for your religion.

- No need to be a racist or terrorist
- No need to be suicide warrior
-Just be yourself and embraced islam tightly  
-then islam will guide you

If you are a chef or food seller,
 then use your ability to supply variety halal food.

If you are a butcher, 
then try to expand your business to supply halal meat all over the world.

If you were an architect, engineer or other professional ,
be honest, help each other, and apply/introduce islamic concept into each of your work
(eg : In Malaysia only: Islamic Financing services)

If you are a teacher,
advice ,teach,remind your students about being a good muslim

If you are a Doctor or Paramedic
always remind your patients that life , health , all belong to Allah.
remind the dying person to remember Allah , and to Allah he/she will return.  

Islam is everywhere and for everbody ......

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