Friday, 25 November 2011

Fascinating Facts: Iceberg only shows 1/9 of its original size from the above water?

Have u ever heard of this quote ?

From surface u only can see this tiny little ice. reality
The size is this big which is 9 times bigger than what is shown on the surface. The shape of the underwater portion is difficult to judge by just looking at the portion above the surface.



Note that the average iceberg weight for the Grand Banks area is one to two hundred thousand tonnes, and is about the size of a cubic 15 storey building.

2. How close can you get to an iceberg ?

It is dangerous to approach an iceberg because it will create a huge disturbance in the water which can upset a boat. There is no rule for safe space because certain icebergs may have long underwater rams which pose an even greater threat to an unwary vessel. Usually a minimum distance of the iceberg length should be kept though at this distance safety cannot be guaranteed. It is even more dangerous to attempt to get on an iceberg. Falling ice is a threat and a rolling berg can dump you in the very cold water before collapsing over on top of you.

3. World 's Largest Iceberg

B-15 Iceberg, Antartica

B-15 is the largest iceberg in the world which covers 6400m2 of sea surface area. This size even larger than the island of Jamaica .

3. How hard is iceberg ice?

The crushing strength is 1% of steel and 10% of concrete, though doesn't seem so hard, collision with the ship will cause disaster. The momentum collide with an iceberg can generate hundreds of tonnes of force that can cause it dent and crumple. Remember titanic ? The Titanic sinked because of an iceberg.

The Story of Titanic
  • There were 6 ice warnings received by Titanic on the day of the collision but they were all ignored the warning.
  • On that night, because the moon was not out, it very difficult to see iceberg from afar. When they discover the iceberg they already too late,and hit the iceberg.
  • 1503 people died. and only 705 survived
  • The temperature of the Atlantic sea is 31 degree which is the major cause the death among population.
  • There were many dogs aboard the Titanic. But only Two dogs survived
  • Charles was the only person to survive the ice cold Atlantic water. He was reported had been drinking heavily.....(maybe alcohol kept him warm...thats why he survived in the coldest ocean)

Titanic strikes iceberg, tearing plates from its bottom just as Murdock gives second order.

Titanic deep down in the darkest sea which is 2.33 miles at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Titanic was discovered 74 years after it sank..before that nobody know the exact location.......see how dark under the sea...

More stories ? Find this book ,

The story of how the greatest shipwreck in history was finally found, written by the man who found her.

* Eh chop....bukan ke mula2 tulis pasal iceberg ka...why ending dia titanic?....

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

How to make sushi

"Mencari makanan yang halal merupakan tanggungjawab setiap umat islam."

Saya seorang penggemar sushi, the problem is, isu halal and shubhah selalu bermain di kepala bila time nak makan sushi ni. Macam-macam fikir. So ambil solution baik buat sendiri, lagi confirm 100% halal Toyyibah .
Ok instead duk ragu2 , baik pi cari alternatif tuk buat sendiri....walaupun simple saje tapi...jadi jugak makanan yg bernama sushi.

Ok first of all ialah ingredient.

1.Sea Weed

Sea weed of course is the main item, klu takde benda ni...tak jadila sushi. Ada byak jenama sea weed di pasaran, saya pilih ni yakin berbanding jenama lain. Jenama yg ini ada tulis for vegetarian. Korang boleh dapatkan di mana2 Giant.

2. Beras sushi / Beras Jepun

Sukatan untuk beras ni just follow dia tulis kat belakang. Kalau korang guna mangkuk tu untuk cedok nasi, so mangkuk tu jugak gunakan tuk sukat air, klu ikut step camni, tak yah risau nasi terlembek or terkeras.

3. Cuka
haha, inilah satu satunya cuka buatan orang islam kat rak giant. Selalu kalau orang search resepi sushi di internet, mesti suruh letak rice vinegar.....guess what i discovered? all rice vinegar  yg available di Giant contained Alcohol !! Especially famous brand Kikkoman nasib baik ada cuka Tamin ni...huhu

4. Japanese Cucumber and Crab Stick
ok ini jer type sushi yg saya bleh usahakan, sebab klu korang nak wat unagi la, ikura , ebi dan lain2 ingredient dia susah nak cari...and high cost...ini sushi budget...paling murah haha

Cara Membuat

1. Firstly masak beras sushi dulu, sukatan air dia ikut cawan yang korang gunakan untuk sukat beras, besar   
    macam mana cawan tu, macam itulah korang masuk dalam periuk nasi...jangan nak gatal2 tambah air la

2. Semetara tunggu nasi masak, korang potong dulu timun, crab stick and telur, potong seperti bentuk di   

Crab stick, timun and telur yg dipotong panjang2

2. Setelah nasi masak , keluarkan dan masukkan ke pinggan lain and biarkan 15 minit supaya dia sejuk sikit.

3. Lepastu letak cuka, letak cuka....sukatan cuka depend on kuantiti nasi, korang agak2 la klu satu mangkuk   
    nasi tu 1 table spoon. Saya slu letak 4 table spoon atau main curah ikut sedap rasa hehe.Jangan curah   
    terlebih pulak nanti nasi jadi masam a.k.a nasi cuka

4. Then hamparkan tikar utuk buat sushi ....(tak tau apa nama dia). Then letak seaweed. Selepas tu ratakan
     nasi atas seaweed seperti gambar dibawah.

Nasi diratakan diatas seaweed, jangan letak nasi tebal2...nanti tawar...letak layer tipis dah ok

Then susun isi dia panjang , advisable korang letak byak sikit, klu tak , nanti tak rasa...(nasi tu kena ratakan dulu, ini picture masa kita orang firstime buat dulu, tak rata nasi)
Then gulungkan, tikar jepun tu memudahkan proses menggulung, klu takde susah sikit nak gulung

Selepas gulung potong jadi bulat2, beras sushi memang melekat-lekat...habis tangan ngan pisau. So tips untuk tak lekat ialah basahkan tangan dengan pisau dengan air. So masa nak gulung sushi ni korang kene sediakan mangkuk berisi air kat tepi. Agak2 melekat teruk tu, basahkan la tangan anda.

Then Siap !! Tadaa!!

hehe...oleh kerana excited buatla onagiri kosong sekali...haha baru buat 3 bentuk dah malas nak continue. Leceh gler sebab nasi duk melekat2.

sushi dan 3 ketul onagiri
Oh ya...benda paling penting dan kunci segala-galanya ialah kicap dan wasabi !!!

Kicap manis kipas udang!!
Inilah alternatif untuk ganti soya sauce  Kikkoman yang shubhah tu....kicap paling sedap di malaysia kicap kipas udang. Taste better !!!


Klu nak senang cari wasabi, cari jer kat jusco ...memang ada

Itadakimasu  !!! and selamat mencuba
Sini saya ada nak kongsi kan link mengenai halal haram sushi. So depend korang yg decide. Makanan yang haram akan jadi darah daging kita dan daging inilah yg kelak dibakar di dalam api neraka.

"Sesungguhnya makanan yang halal itu tiada keraguan didalamnya (shubhah)"....if u ragu2 then don't eat. Sometimes orang akan cuba mencari pelbagai alasan untuk menafikan....and i'm also macam itu juga. Dulu suka gler makan sushi king, slu cari alasan bahawa ok jer makan sushi tu, siap buat research kat internet....tiba2 terdetik dalam fikiran...."Kenapa aku susah -susah cari alasan ?, sekiranya makanan tu halal sudah tentu lagi terang lagi bersuluh, buat apa nak berselindung benda tu halal...ibarat kita percaya ikan dan telur ayam tu halal (cuz tak yah sembelih)....kenapa aku buat research ? sebab saya ragu-ragu....kenapa saya ragu-ragu ? kerana makanan itu seperti ada muslihat didalam nya......jangan terpedaya dengan non-muslim yg mengatakan halal punya...sebab diorang hanya tahu kita tak makan pork and alcohol ....but do they know that we can't eat chicken and meat slaughtered by Non-Muslim ? The truth is they don't know 

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Kisah sebiji Epal

(pss...copy paste tulisan orang)

Saya ingin bercerita mengenai kisah Syekh Abdul Qadir Jailani ini. Di suatu pekan kecil bernama Jilan atau Gilan di negeri Parsi tinggal seorang pemuda yang alim bernama Abu Solah Jangi Dost keturunan dari Imam Hasan (cucu Rasulullah).Pada suatu hari beliau sedang duduk di tepi sungai ternampak sebiji epal yang sedang dihanyutkan air. Kerana berasa lapar beliau telah mengambil epal lalu memakannya. Kemudian hatinya bertanya, siapakah tuan punya buah epal itu? Dia berasa bersalah kerana memakan buah itu tanpa izin dari tuannya. Lantas di carinya lalu terjumpa sebuah dusun epal di tepi sungai itu. Dia mencari tuan punya kebun itu untuk memohon dihalalkan buah epal yang telah di makannya. 

Tuan punya kebun epal itu bernama Abdullah Saumai juga seorang alim Dia tahu pemuda itu seorang yang soleh lalu berkata dia boleh memaafkan dengan syarat bekerja di kebunnya tanpa gaji selama dua belas tahun dan berkahwin dengan anak gadisnya yang kudung tangan dan kakinya, buta matanya, bisu dan pekak. Abu Soleh menerimanya dengan reda.
 Di malam pertama jumpa mertua
Tersentak si jejaka diberitakan
Isterinya tidak sempurna rupa
Anggota zahirnya lumpuh semua
Tidak upaya mengurus diri

Terkejut si jejaka penuh persoalan di hatinya
Mungkinlah sudah jodoh itulah isterinya
Hibanya rasa hati namun tetap redha pada takdir
Asalkan punya iman itulah paling penting

Tetapi,selepas diijabkabulkan Abu Soleh terperanjat kerana isterinya seorang yang cantik, cukup anggota kaki dan tangannya, tidak pekak dan tidak bisu. Abu Soleh lantas bertanya kepada bapa mertuanya,  lalu dikatakan maksud matanya buta itu kerana tidak pernah melihat perkara maksiat, maksud mulutnya bisu kerana tidak pernah mengumpat, maksud telinganya pekak kerana tidak mahu mendengar cakap yang sia-sia. Maksud kakinya kudung kerana tidak pernah pergi ke tempat maksiat. Maksud tangannya kudung kerana tidak pernah mengambil hak orang. Dari perkahwinan pemuda yang soleh dengan wanita yang solehah inilah lahirnya Syekh Abdul Qadir Jailani. 

Saat-saat berjumpa 
Terpesona memandang
Benarkah isterinya
Menawan sungguh cantik

Terhurai dijawablah oleh mertua
Zahirnya tak sempurna kiasan saja
Memberi makna sucinya diri
Wanita solehah terpelihara
Terharu jejaka tunduk bersyukur

Jangan mudah percaya harta pangkat dan rupa
Indahnya di mata berawaslah
Rasul sudah bersabda
Insan punya agama akhlaknya mulia
(petikan lagu dari Rabbani: Cari Jodoh)

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

My new cute icon

Entry kali ini ialah pasal my new cute icon...recently terjumpa kat internet....waaaaaaa   comel nye....habis computer punya icon di tukar...lihat dibawah

Lovely pastel icon...

Habisla Laptop ni....kene endure dengan tuan yang suka benda comel-comel habisla...each icon kat lappy akan ditukar...

Ini pun super cute

oh tidak ini pun sama
My lappy before transformation.....


After,,,,hehe not much different ...but i did changed the icons
Oh tidak....apa dah jadi....semakin girly aku jadinya....but its ok because i'm a girl.....Girls love cute stuff...wakaka

LG lollipop

Lollipop phone from LG
3 colours available, black ,
blue and pink
Black punya dalam smart...cuma shell kat luar dia x cantik sangat

Big Bang and 2NE1

LG is known as CYON di korea.....try tengok website dia...sangat comel!! selalu pi website dia tengok cute stuff takde intention nak bli saje tengok2 heheh.....gediks..tapi website dia lambat sikit nak load
This is my lollipop, the screen is very wide, and its actually have front lighting when we open or close the lid

Originally , i wanted to buy the blue turquoise version of this phone, unfortunately , only pink colour is available in malaysia (during that time-2 years ago) . At that time i was so crazy with this phone and this phone is only available at Korea. and one day i saw this pink color at LG mobile shop, it was the one and only.I was so excited, i still don't believe that this phone already in Malaysia, without hesitant i bought this phone. What a fool of me....but i'm not regret. I just love something unique.I don't want my stuff to be same with others, therefore i made some modification.Below is my LG lollipop: Hahha ni time dulu2 skrang sticker tu dah cabut...back to basic
so cute, my lollipop and the sleeping rabbit (wakaka...seriusly macam budak2 time ni...skrang tak ...ok)

All the phone display functions are all very cute in pastel colour.

For those who is interested to buy this phone , i'll tell you what is benefit and lacking for having this phone.

-its cute, especially pink and blue
-2 camera (internal 1.3 VGA) and external (3.0 Mgp) (Beasnye boleh wat self Camera)
-wide screen...panjang juga screen dia..rasa pun cantik
-cute LED display, when you open & close the lid, make a call n receive a message.
-Fm radio, Mp3 the sound not so good as sony, but its quite ok.
-play game using motion sensor
-it have sensor.. i think..
-Paling best nye...lollipop ni senang nak di 'shut up',...terbalikkan dia jer nanti dia senyap
-selalu apply cara ni bila time nak snooze or xnak jawab panggilan...takyah susah2 keluarkan or open the flip ...terbalikkan terus dia senyap
-Semua benda dalam ni cute2 so siapa yang anti-cute takyah beli la

-guna banyak battery, it have to be recharge often
-at first, you might have difficulties to open the back of the phone , but u will get used to it
-GD 580 version function is limited compared to other version. But only this version is for international ...selling. Korea nye lollipop superbs best dari Malaysia punye model....model keluaran malaysia x secanggih lollipop korea...banyak function takde..
-u can decorate your own LED display but you must have the software. The software won't work out with my laptop..Pastu Led display dia kecil berbanding Korea punya.

Waha..slu kene sakat dengan kawan-kawan...."Amy kitaorang tak boleh bayangkan nanti klu ko kerja time meeting angkat telefon warna pink...wakakaka"....klu ko pura2 bossy n garang sekali telefon berbunyi...bila keluarkan phone warna pink pastu berlampu-lampu....hahaha

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Shopaholic and Baby by Sophie Kinsella

Shopaholic and Baby

This book took the stories after Rebbecca Bloomwood marry Luke Brandon. They are expecting a child but the prospect of motherhood hasn't reined in her passion for fashion. In fact, this insatiable London shopper has a new excuse for raiding boutiques, catalogues, and baby shops for goodies. (Shopping for unborn child is an excuse for becca for being shopaholic...haha Becky ...i think she will never recover from being shopaholic). 

Amid all this happy expectation, though, lurks a major problem. Becky has become convinced that her hubby Luke has been affair with vampish obstetrician Venetia Carter. Venetia Carter is an antagonist in this story. She try to make up story by telling Becky that his husband has an affair with her. She also told Beckky that Luke is acting and pretending to love Becky to make beckky happy. And Guess what?...the naive Becky believed it!! 

To allay her fears, our self-indulgent personal shopper hires a private detective to track down the truth. Hahaha lawak giler..tak boleh belah hired private detective...becky ni memang seorang yang dipengaruhi TV dan kebudak budakkan sikit...haha pastu Becky wrote 17 pages letter to her husband accusing him having an affair with Venetia Carter..and telling to meet her at Tower to save their marriage...haha
Tapi Luke...haha saya suka cool jer dia....dia baca and terus cari Becky " What the hell is this. Becky??"
haha...Luke baca balik surat tu."meet me at Tower to save our marriage ?what? do u think it is in the film"....pastu diorang confront....haha memang klakar lah apa yg diorang salah faham...tapi bukan salah sebab Venetia Cartey yg trying to destroy their marriage...selanjutnya sila bace sendiri ok?

For me it was a good book!! i like it very much ....because i like luke Brandon!! It is a continuation of Confession of Shopaholic the movie!!! Have u watch it?..... 

CONFESSION Of Shopaholic

Luke Brandon and Rebbeca them...this is where they first meet...

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