Wednesday 24 October 2012

Tough Question regarding God

3 Tough Question regarding God's Creation
3 Soklan Sukar mengenai Ciptaan Allah.

Question 1: Does God Exist ? If so, show me His Shape. (Shape of God)
Soalan 1: Adakah Tuhan itu ada, sekiranya Tuhan itu ada, apakah bentuk rupanya ?
Question 2 : What is Fate ?
Soalan 2 : Apa itu Takdir ?

Question 3: If Satan was created from fire. Why at the end he will be thrown to hell that also created from fire, it certainly won't hurt him at all, since satan and hell was created from fire. Did God not think of this far?

Soalan 3: Syaitan dijadikan daripada api. Tetapi kenapa pengakhiranya, syaitan akan diseksa dan di campakkan kedalam api neraka yang diperbuat daripada api juga. Sudah semestinya syaitan tak merasa kesakitan kerana dia juga diperbuat daripada api. Kenapa Tuhan tak terfikir perkara sebegini?

Such a beautiful arts and explanation ..i didn't draw to this superb artist

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