Saturday 12 May 2012

I wanna see this movie!!

Tak sabar nak tengok snow white....yela aku kan pattern fairy tale punya...memang sangat suka cite2 fantasy ni la...

Lagi pun grafik dia macam best ....tapi tengok feed back la klu ok baru pi tengok wayang.
Kadang2 cite orang putih ni graphic jer gempak tapi cite tak la best mana...

ok..watak yg aku suka...ofcourse la snow white...lagi version yg brutal memang la i like

cool kan snow white dia?

queen yg sangat cruel...

nice poster!!

alamak ni la yang wat aku cair .....prince charming aku!!!
alamak tapi kerut dia cam tak original ...rasanya nak compare ngan kawan aku nye kerut '100%' original


  1. i think this film should just stop with having charliza theron, kristen steward and chris hemsworth. no need for the prince la! hahaha, the hunstman is already enough!!

  2. habis tu nak ambil ko belakon? Jadi penghantar epal boleh la


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